The Fundamentals of Object Storage: What Every Media Professional Should Know

August 20, 2024 · 5 min read

By Rhian Morgan

Fundamentals Of Object Storage Thumb


Object storage offers a modern solution to managing massive volumes of media content by using a flat, flexible structure. Unlike traditional storage, where files are organized in complex folder structures, object storage treats each piece of data as a self-contained "object" stored in "buckets" or "vaults." This system simplifies data management and improves scalability, making it ideal for handling high-resolution videos, multiple audio tracks, and extensive metadata.

Object storage supports real-time editing and global collaboration, allowing teams to work together from different locations seamlessly. It integrates seamlessly with existing tools and systems to optimize workflows. It also ensures robust data protection with built-in redundancy and replication, reducing the risk of loss. By cutting down on physical storage needs and maintenance costs, object storage is a scalable, cost-effective choice for media professionals.

To explore the benefits of object storage and find the right solution for your needs, get in touch with Perifery to learn about our specialized storage platforms designed for media workflows. Reach out to get started.

The way you store, manage, access, and share your media assets can make or break a workflow. Legacy storage systems may have their place, but when you’re dealing with massive volumes of content – from large-K video to multiple audio tracks and all that metadata – things can get complicated.

This is where object storage comes in. Designed to handle vast amounts of unstructured data typical of M&E workflows, object storage is a modern and future proof alternative to traditional file hierarchies, cumbersome tape-based storage, or rigid block storage. In short, object storage provides a more flexible, accessible, and scalable solution for content-driven organizations.

So, what exactly is object storage?

Unlike many traditional storage methods where files are stored in folders/subfolders, object storage uses a flat, flexible structure, where each piece of data is treated as a separate, self-contained “object”. Objects are stored in “buckets” or “vaults”, which don’t rely on hierarchical organization, meaning you can efficiently manage large volumes of media assets (objects) without dealing with complex structures, file names, and file paths.

Each object comes with built-in information, aka metadata, which is stored alongside the object itself. The metadata contains automatically generated information, such as the asset’s creation date and format, and can be further enriched with manually added context, tags, and descriptors. Metadata is crucial for content discoverability, which, ultimately, leads to more reuse and monetization opportunities.

Learn more about metadata enrichment.

Each object is automatically assigned a unique number, or object identifier (OID), which forms part of the system metadata and provides another means of managing and locating specific objects. For media teams managing vast libraries of content, OIDs can be tracked within a database, eliminating the need to manually search through hundreds of thousands of objects. The OID remains the same throughout the objects’ lifecycle, unlike file names or metadata tags which are subject to change.

How can object storage enhance your media workflows?

Whether you’re editing a documentary, preparing behind-the-scenes sports footage, or creating bite-sized content for social media, the efficiency of your media workflow is paramount. Luckily, object storage can significantly streamline processes. Due to its scalable nature, you can store huge amounts of raw footage, edits, and final cuts without worrying about capacity. This means your team can simultaneously work on different aspects of a project, accessing and editing in real-time, without the delays typically associated with traditional storage.

Object-based storage also enables collaboration across dispersed teams. This means one team could be capturing and ingesting content live from the sidelines of a sports game in South Africa, while a team in the UK work on editing and distributing that content without any disruption or delays. With object storage, there’s no need to wait for files to be transferred or tapes to be transported; everything is stored centrally, allowing instant access to the latest assets – no matter where your team members are situated.

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Additionally, object storage can be integrated with your existing tools and systems, from video editing software to asset management systems, to provide a unified storage solution that compliments the infrastructure you’re used to working with. This seamless integration ensures workflows are optimized, while allowing teams efficiently manage and success media assets without disruption.

Why is object storage the right choice for media pros?

Object storage is a vital tool for media workflows. As well as facilitating seamless scalability, content discoverability, management, and collaboration, object-based storage technology brings many advantages to the table.

With built-in redundancy and robust data replication features, object storage provides the highest levels of content security. With assets stored across multiple locations or data centers, the risk of data loss due to hardware failures or other issues is significantly minimized. This ensures that your valuable content is always secure and recoverable.

Object storage also reduces the need for physical storage space, which traditionally involves managing massive volumes of tapes and associated maintenance costs. The virtual storage nature of object storage technology simplifies the management of vast data volumes, reducing overhead costs related to hardware maintenance and physical space requirements. Additionally, the efficiency of object storage helps in lowering long-term operational expenses, making it a financially savvy choice for managing growing data needs.

How do I get started with object storage?

There are many reasons you might be considering implementing object storage to your media workflow. Whether you’re looking for ways to optimize storage costs, need to enable global collaboration, or simply ready for a tech upgrade, object storage delivers unparalleled scalability, flexibility, security, and monetization opportunities. However, not all storage is created equal. Choosing the right object storage vendor is crucial, as the quality, integration capabilities, and cost-effectiveness can vary significantly and directly impact the success of your implementation and workflow efficiency.

Discover the 5 Steps to Finding Your Perfect Object Storage Partner.

At Perifery, we specialize in providing content-driven organizations with intelligent storage platforms, workflow applications, and AI tools to streamline and optimize nearline and archive workflows. Our object-based, software-defined storage solutions are built for media workflows, and have no vendor lock-in and no access or egress fees. With Perifery, you can unleash the hidden potential of your content for years to come.

To get started on your object storage journey, get in touch with us today.

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