Case Study

Perifery Swarm: A Maintenance-Free, Easy-To-Scale Storage Platform For IQ Media

Iq Media Swarm Object Storage Cs Thumb

What's Inside

Lakshmi Venkataswamy, CTO and co-founder of iQ Media1 had some storage challenges to overcome—he needed a new storage platform for his company’s 6PB of video files (primarily TV broadcast clips)— dating back to 2011 and growing at a rate of 6 TBs per day.

The cost curve of traditional storage technologies was straining his budget and he was looking for a storage solution that was appropriately priced, high-capacity, low-maintenance and that would extract every cent of value from the underlying hardware by enabling it to operate well beyond its warranty coverage without increasing the risk of data loss.

1 IQ Media is a Swarm customer through Perifery’s parent company, DataCore

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